This project reaches out to individuals Canada-wide, to obtain information on their personal experience with Covid-19 and the impact it may have on every aspect of their lives. Through our research, we go coast-to-coast, province-to-province, to uncover Canadians who will have a unique take on the topic whether it is geographical, occupational or livelihood influences. The information obtained through interviews, recordings or general conversations, will be compiled into a novel of various inputs on the respected topic. With the completion, the book aims to provide factual, raw information and thoughts through the perspective of Canadians alike.
- Provide knowledge and insight on the vast array of experiences aligned with the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic
- Compile the gathered information into a book that is both organized and structured accurately
- Capture an accurate perspective on the subject from contrasting and different points of view
- Conduct thorough research to find potential individuals to speak on their experiences with Covid-19 as well as how their spirituality has changed as a result
- Contact candidates through the available means of communication for the given person (email, phone number, etc.)
- Create a template/questionnaire including all necessary information needed to be gathered by all candidates
- Schedule and execute virtual interviews to obtain required information
- Organize and format received information from candidates